Yes I know this is dull but I need to make sure that you follow these simple rules.
Under no circumstances will foul/rude/offensive language be allowed.
No sexual or pornographic material please. This is a faimily friendly forum!
No hateful or abusive content ever...EVER!
Do not sell anything on this forum. You can probably do it somewehere else on the internet but not here!
No major copyright infringement. (Things like taking pictures from places like google images is fine) If in doubt, ask an admin and blame it on them if they get it wrong. Oh wait that would be me... ummm ignore that last bit.
No hacking! obviously...
No spam as that's a quick way of getting people to not like you.
No credit card fraud (lol? how do you exactly do that on a forum? xD )
Anyone caught breaking one or more of these rules will be dealt with swiftly.